"How do I ask it a question?"
I suggested dad should tap around on the iPad for a few days after he got it, and see how much he could figure out on his own and then I would come by and go over anything he couldn't figure out.
As soon as I walked in, he had his questions ready – some stuff I had to figure out, not owning an iPad myself. As soon as Dad got up and left the room for a few minutes, Mom was, "okay, I want you to show me something"
Really? This is four days after she wouldn't even touch it. Okay.
So she wanted to know how to start an e-mail, and I showed her how the addresses in your records automatically pop up when you begin to type them in the TO: field. Cool.
Then she asks - how do I ask a question?
Me - Huh? You type it in the e-mail and send it.
Mom - no, not in e-mail. How do I ask it a question?
Me - it?
Mom - the iPad, how do I ask it something?
Me - Ohhh – you want to look something up online.
Mom - well, whatever, I don't care what it's called, I just want to find something out.
Me - Okay. What do you want to find out?
Mom - I want to know where Togo is.
Well, alright then.